Mountain Bike, Trail Runs and Gravel Rides
Presented by Streams & Valleys
Registration is at
Wee-Chi-Tah Dirt and Gravel Events
The Gritty, Dirty events on Hotter’N Hell weekend in Wichita Falls, Texas
Presented by Wichita Falls Streams & Valleys
Mountain Bike races and Trail Runs start at J S Bridwell Agricultural Center 111 N Burnett St, Wichita Falls, TX 76306
Gravel events start at Wichita Falls Brewing Company 701 Indiana Ave, Wichita Falls, TX 76301
Registration is at
Mountain Bike races—all day Friday—Cat 1, 2, 3 (Novice), Junior, Single Speed, Clydesdale and E-Bike (one neutral water table – no outside allowed)
Gravel Grind—7:05 PM Saturday – 2 routes—fun for all! (maybe one or two water/electrolyte drink and maybe something with bubbles!) Self supported
Trail Runs—Sunday 7 AM—Long Run (12 to 13 miles) and 10K ish -lots of rest stops, like every 2-3 miles! Please carry what you want, the things we have you may not like! Distances are CLOSE – IT’S A TRAIL RUN!!! The 10 k may be within a half mile of 6.2 and the Long Run may be within one or so miles of a half!! If anything the courses will be short. As I said, IT’S A TRAIL RUN – not a perfect, paved run – PLEASE do NOT whine and complain and show us your garmin…. This is the last event in a super long weekend and we are tired. We work ALL YEAR to get ready, if the only thing that goes wrong is short or long on mileage for the trail run – then it was a great weekend!
Multi Sport Events
Chupacabra = 100 mile Endurance Ride + 42 mile Gravel Ride
Triple Threat = Mountain Bike race Friday, 100 mile Endurance Ride Saturday and the Long Run on Sunday morning!
Quadzilla = The Triple Threat plus Sasquatch- 42 mile Gravel Ride
The Quadzilla is The longest distance in each event or — All the Miles!
To register go to
Mountain Bike Race – All start’s are by Cat and age group, your start time will be on your bib. Report to start area at least 30 minutes before your start time to have body marking and find your start group
Course is well marked and about 12 miles long. We like to call it flowy with punchy climbs. We have many wood bridges and elevated structures.
- Our 2025 Mountain Bike start times will stay the same as in 2004.
- Our Novice (formerly Cat 3) and Clydesdale cyclists will start at 8 a.m. Friday in order to Beat the Heat. Y’all get to race one lap.
- Cat 1’s will start at 10 a.m. and race two laps.
- Finally, after the Cat 1’s have left the start line, the Cat 2’s, the Single Speed, the Cat 1 women and the Cat 1 men (60+) and E-Bikes will start and ride their 1.5 laps (17.5-ish miles.)
- Juniors start with the Cat their license says they are.
- Remember, both your start time and your group are both listed on your bib.
Are you terrified of Highway to Heaven?
Once again we are leaving the “go around” open! It’s longer but stays ON THE GROUND!
Gravel NEW FOR 2025! Only two distances! The Party Loop, about 27 miles and the Sasquatch, about 42 miles. The Sasquatch is the long gravel ride that will count towards all the Multi-Event Challenges.
Course closes at midnight.
Saturday evening – starts at 7:05 PM at the Wichita Falls Brewing Company, 701 Indiana Ave, Wichita Falls, TX 76301
Everyone must have lights front and back – real ones, not those silly ones. And of course, helmets. It’s also a great idea to have back up batteries and to have ridden at night a few times to make sure you can see with your lights!
We will have reflective signs marking the course – BUT – you MUST have the map from RIDEWITHGPS downloaded – will you get lost without it?? Most likely! We are marking the turns, but come on.. it’s the country, things happen, signs get stolen by kids, cows and Chupacabras!
Party Loop – about 27 miles. Riders must be at least 16 years old. Exceptions may be granted by the Race Director BEFORE the event.
Sasquatch – about 42 miles. Riders must be at least 18 years old. Exceptions may be granted by the Race Director BEFORE the event.
SUNDAY Trail Runs
Both the runs on Sunday will start in the meadow just like a Cross Country race start! Exciting!!! Both distances start together – fast people up front or prepare to get run over!
Are you terrified of Highway to Heaven?
Once again we are leaving the “go around” open! It’s longer but stays ON THE GROUND!
What has changed for 2025?
Chupacabra is now 100 MILE Endurance ride and 42 mile Gravel ride.
Juniors – start with their Category – racing age 9 to Under 18.
Juniors age 9 to 18 pay half price for the Mountain Bike race!
Are you a “Bling” hound? Love finisher awards? How about age group awards? This is your weekend! Here is what you can snag;
Friday Mountain Bike race—finisher award and maybe an age group award.
Saturday, the marquee event, Hotter’N Hell Hundred – the largest one day, 100 mile endurance ride in the country, maybe the world! Ride with 10,000 to 14,000 of your new, best friends. Choose from 6 distance routes! Everyone gets a finisher medal.
Saturday night—the Gravel Grinds—to combat the Hotter’N Hell heat this ride starts at 7:05 PM! Ride past farms, orchards and oil wells in the summer night! Two distances to choose from. Finisher patch to all that can beat the midnight cut off!
Sunday morning—a Long Run 12 to 13 miles or 10k ish Trail Run—finisher and maybe an age group award!
You want more?
Do the Triple Threat— Mountain bike race + 100 mile Endurance Ride + Long Run. Get all the finisher awards for each event PLUS a SLAB OF WOOD with I Survived the Triple Threat and our logo engraved on it! The Fastest male and female in the Triple Threat will receive a CLOCK made from one of the awesome slabs of wood! (First lap of MB count for TT time, you must finish the MB race for your time to count)
How about the Chupacabra – 100 mile Endurance ride Saturday morning + 42 mile Gravel Grind Saturday evening. Get the finish award for the Endurance ride and the Chupacabra patch!
Does the Quadzilla sound like fun? It’s the Triple Threat + the 42 mile ish Sasquatch Gravel! You will get all the Triple Threat bling + a Quadzilla patch! AND you will have conquered ALL THE MILES at Hotter’N Hell 100!
Rug Rats FREE- 12 and under – must have a helmet – parent or guardian must fill out waivers and stay on site during event. Event starts at 5:30 Friday evening – registration from 4 to 5 at the J S Bridwell Agricultural Center 111 N Burnett St, Wichita Falls, TX 76306. No early reg.
Running along with your small person is a great idea but not required. Any kind of bike; training wheels and balance bikes welcome. Laps of about 1.5 miles – you choose if your little person rides one or two laps. This is a super fun – everyone is happy event. Finisher awards for all. No age group awards.
Chupacabra – 100 mile Endurance ride Saturday morning + 42 mile Gravel Grind (Sasquatch) Saturday evening
Triple Threat – Friday Mountain Bike Race (any cat) + 100 mile Endurance Ride on Saturday + Long Run Sunday morning.
Quadzilla – The Triple Threat + the 42 mile Gravel Grind!
Sasquatch – about 42 mile Gravel Grind.
Party Loop – about 27 mile Gravel Grind
Are you terrified of Highway to Heaven on the Mountain BIke trail?
Once again we are leaving the “go around” open! It’s longer but stays ON THE GROUND!
For entry and information on Hotter’N Hell weekend, go to
Be on the lookout for Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac!

If you end up getting Poison Ivy, follow these tips.
We encourage you to come to town and pre-ride the trail, please join the trail FB page at for trail conditions and company on your ride. We have a group ride most Sundays at 2 PM, we start at Berends Landing 501 Wichita Street.
For entry and information on Hotter’N Hell weekend, go to